Friday 18 May 2012

#13: It is Over

We all have those "Woohoo! It's OVER!" moments and we all love them. Yesterday, I wrote an exam that I have been studying for for what seems like FOREVER, and when I handed it in I was very happy, excited, and proud. Happy and excited because I didn't have to study for it anymore and proud because I didn't lose hope or give up during the studying time. Today, I finished editing a mini movie that my friends and I made. There was over an hour of footage and I cut everything down to about half an hour, put in sound effects, trimmed parts, added some cool effects, etc. Let's just say it was a grueling process and I am ecstatic that it is OVER.

When we say to ourselves "IT IS OVER! YAY," it is kind of like crossing the finish line of a race. It is the same feeling. We are all marathon runners, our lives, exams, mini movies, are all marathons, and we will always find ways to cross the finish line!
These It Is Over moments are magical because they make you happy, excited, and proud of yourself.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

#12: Excitement

Have  you ever been waiting and waiting for that special night and finally it is the day right before? Or the next day is your birthday and you know an amazing surprise awaits you? I love this feeling of anticipation.

Whenever my family and I go on vacation, I can never sleep the night before. I wriggle and jiggle like a worm and I cannot sleep because I am so excited. Now I am not saying that not being able to sleep is a GOOD and MAGICAL thing, because it isn't, but I AM saying that anticipation as in excitement is magical.

I have a friend who turns all red when she is excited. I know someone else who suddenly needs to jump around and shake out their energy when they get excited. I think we all have those excitement moments. Today, for example, I am super excited for a project my friends and I are getting together to work on tomorrow. I can't wait!

Excitement is magical because it gives you energy and something to look forward to!

Monday 14 May 2012

#11: Home Sweet Home

I am very sorry that I haven't been able to update my blog for the past few days. This is because I have been away from home and haven't had access to the computer. I hope you will forgive me by accepting my latest Magical Moment: the sweet feeling of arriving home after a trip, journey, or adventure.

This weekend, my mother, father, and I went on a mini vacation where I also participated in a competition. It was a great experience. I went swimming, we ate a lot, relaxed, went shopping, and did many fun things. Even though at the end of the three days, it seemed like I was leaving our hotel room- my new home- I was actually coming back to my real home. When we opened the front door and stepped inside the walls of our house, I knew that there was no place like home.

I can remember a few years back when my family and I went to Mexico for two weeks. After the two weeks of sunshine, we came home. I can remember pulling up in the driving, and stepping into snow that went up to my thighs. They say that home is where the heart is and I can really say that I was glad to be home.

There are so many stories, both real life and fantasy, that show that there is no place like home. The Wizard of Oz for one. Or when soldiers come home from war. One of my favorite songs is Coming Home by Diddy-Dirty Money featuring Skylar Grey. Listen to the first thirty seconds of the song... It speaks for itself.

These coming home moments are magical because it warms your heart and makes you feel like no other place will!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

#10: Receiving a Nice Message in the Mail

The title says it all. Today, I walked through the door of my home, and I wasn't in a very good mood. Then I noticed a small white envelope on the counter near the entrance with my name written on it in small neat letters. I didn't know who it could be from! I don't usually get things like these in the mail.When I opened it, it was a beautiful card wishing me a great day and a great upcoming birthday. It certainly caught me by surprise and it was a good one!
Hoppy Mail?

I really enjoyed Valentine's Day when I was little because everyone took time to surprise the others in the class with thoughtful, kind, but eccentric messages. I can remember the great feeling of opening an unevenly cut card with "YOU SMEL LIKE RASBERY SHAMPOO" written inside. Those were the days!

Have you ever received anything really nice in the mail? Those moments are magical because they surprise you and make you feel special.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

#9: A Great Joke

Has someone ever told you a joke, you think about it for half a second, and finally you understand and a light bulb goes off in your head? I have had this moment so many times. For example, today I read a limerick. It was about a poet who wrote sentences that were too long and with too many words. Everyone around me laughed when they read the limerick. I didn't understand at first how it was funny! It was off beat and it didn't rhyme properly. That's when it hit me: the last sentence was too long and with too many words. It was done on purpose.

I can also remember a few days ago when I was reading a French book called "Le Petit Nicolas Voyage", which means "The Little Nicolas Trip". It is about a young boy writing about his experiences in his life. They are very cute and funny. One joke really stood out to me. If I translate it, it went something like this:

Nicolas and his mother went to Nicolas' father's work. When they stopped by, his father's friends, the guys at the office, started asking Nicolas question. To keep it simple, Nicolas decided to answer "yes" to everything.
"Are you working hard at school?"
"Are you a smart boy?"
"Does your father do the dishes?"
 After the last answer, the father's friends and co-workers started laughing and teasing Nicolas' father.
"Come on Nicolas. Tell the truth," the father said.
Nicolas sighed. "OK fine. I don't work THAT hard at school."

It took me a few moments to understand, but when it clicked in my head, I loved it! What really goes on in our heads when we take those few seconds to understand the joke? Are we trying to fit together pieces of a puzzle? Are we swarmed with thoughts like a swarm of angry bees? I would really like to know!

Do you know any amazing jokes that made you think and made you smile when you heard them? I'd love to hear! An amazing joke that makes you think is magical because it makes the laughter and the smiles all the more memorable.

Monday 7 May 2012

#8: Shower Time

I remember once, when my mother and I finally came home from a trip to Florida and it was HOT outside. The first thing I did, was take a shower. I love that moment when the water splashes on you and when you finally walk out, clean, soft skin, and full of life.
I found a quote by Craig Bruce: "Think Tank, noun: The shower." Whenever I get into the shower, I feel like it is a time to think. I have gotten my best ideas for a project or thought over something that was troubling me when I took showers. Other than thinking, showers are good for... singing!

I remember, a while ago, when in my class at school we had a "Singing in the Shower" competition. We were to record our singing while in the shower. In the end, some students who I remember as very shy, seemed full of energy and very expressive when they sang. Shower time really gives us a chance to be ourselves.

Shower time is magical because it keeps you clean, makes you feel full of life and energy, and can give you an opportunity to express yourself and think. 

Tuesday 1 May 2012

#7: Water When Thirsty

Have you ever been so thirsty that your throat is completely dry, that your tongue feels like sandpaper, that you can hardly swallow? Have you ever had that refreshing glass of water that is like rain after a hot summer day, that is cold and refreshing, that is bringing your mouth back to life? I know I have and I think it is wonderful!
Today, after a tiring dance class, I felt sore and my mouth was dry. When I gulped down some water, I felt all better... Rejuvenated!

I used to like cold milk instead of water. I would pour myself a cup of milk with some Cheerios and I would eat all of the Cheerios before they became soft and mushy and soon I would have only the cold milk left in the bowl. Then, I would drink the milk like you would drink soup and it would be amazing. Now, I still enjoy milk, but I think water is better because it works with every meal, food, snack, and by itself it has a purer, more natural taste.

We all need water to survive. It is a necessity and some places in the world aren't as fortunate as others. Whenever I drink water, I am very thankful. I would really love to help to get clean water out to those places in the world that don't have this water when they are thirsty. Everyone deserves to be able to experience these magical feelings.

Drinking water when you are extremely thirsty is magical because it makes your senses come alive and gives you lots and lots of energy!