Thursday 26 April 2012

#5: Eureka!

I have had so many experiences when I was confused, struggled to grasp a piece of information, and had to make the right choice. Those feelings are yucky because they clutter your mind with negative thoughts and you definitely can't think straight. What I really love is when a light bulb goes off in your head and you suddenly understand. You know you've struck gold and you can solve the problem or make the right decision now. It is kind of like when you have a really messy room and when you clean it up, it sparkles and shines and you feel great.Today, I was a bit confused with some math. I stopped to think... then it suddenly hit me! I understood everything!

Eureka moments are magical because they clear away negative thoughts of confusion and stress and replace them with happiness and confidence.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

#4: Cuddling With an Animal Friend

Whenever I am sick or sad, I seek a furry friend. They seem to sense your feelings, calm you down, and warm your heart. I think that pets comfort us. I have two cats. Whenever I am not feeling well or just want to cry, my cats huddle around me and take away my pain. I have friends who have dogs. The dogs always seem to be smiling and the positive energy passes on. I know a few people who have rabbits. They let you pour out your emotions and listen with their extra large ears. I even have a couple of friends who own birds and fishes and my friends think of them as companions.
Too Tired to Read
Today, when I was very tired, I plopped down onto the couch and my whole body was sore. One of my cats came along, thought that I was a pillow, and fell asleep next to me. Their purring was in synch with the beating of my heart and their warmth connected with my body and I felt relaxed and comfortable.

We all have those moments when we just need to calm down and it is magical when we do so with an animal friend!
Lunch Time

Tuesday 24 April 2012

#3: Just Did It

Have you ever forced yourself to go to the gym but complain and make excuses all the way there because it is such a nice day and you want to spend time with your family? Or have you ever forced yourself to write that report even though you'd rather be playing with your friends? I know we've all been there. We complain and complain but in the end, after we go to the gym or write that report we are proud of ourselves and we are glad we went after all.

You have probably heard of Nike's famous "just do it" slogan. I think for special moments like these, you should receive a badge or something to show off that says "just did it".

Today I had to rewrite my speech. Make it re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-writing. After about eight drafts, I started to get annoyed and I really didn't want to do it anymore. Believe me, I had no shortage of excuses to stop revising. But I forced myself to keep on going and after another hour of writing... I finished my speech! I ended up with a version that I actually liked. No more drafts!!! Now, I am very proud of myself and happy that I "just did it".

Just did it moments are magical because they can turn negative thoughts, complaints and excuses into smiles and feelings of victory!

Monday 23 April 2012

#2: Contagious Laughter

I just love it when one person starts laughing and everyone joins in. Today, for example, someone had put a very funny picture on the blackboard and I just laughed with all of my heart. The room went silent. Everyone stared at me and where I was looking at. Then they started to laugh along with me. Before I knew it, almost everyone in the room was laughing.

I love to listen to laughs. Just the way everyone has a different giggle, snort, and chuckle makes me want to laugh. I have heard some very interesting laughs... from the evil cackling (mwa ha ha ha ha) to the polite giggle (hehe). 

According to, humour and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. I agree that laughter is one of the best medicines unless you laugh so hard your tummy hurts. 

I remember my mother once told me an old Russian story. It is called ‘The Girl and the Elephant’. It is about a  little girl who lived with her father. One day the girl became very sick and was always in bed. Her loving father couldn't afford doctors or expensive medicines. The father spent  almost all his money to have an elephant come to their home to visit his daughter. This made the little girl laugh and smile with joy. Then a miracle occurred; the girl got better and better and eventually healed.

Now I am not saying that if someone you know is sick you should ride an elephant into their room, but what I am saying is that laughter is magical, especially when it spreads from one person to another. 

Sunday 22 April 2012

#1: Cookies Fresh From the Oven

Have you ever tried this delicacy? When the sweet, aromatic scent fills the air, my mouth starts watering! Cookies are best fresh because they are soft, warm, and full of ooey-gooey yumminess. Pair them with a glass of milk and you are on your way to paradise. Mmmmm.

I think that the chocolate chip cookie is one of the best cookies to eat when it is fresh. The chocolate melts in the oven and when you bite into the cookie, strands of heavenly goodness burst from the bite. I am making myself hungry.

I'm interested to know what you think! Do you know any fabulous cookie recipes that when prepared taste best eaten fresh? 

Today at home my grandmother made Grandma's Cookies. They are crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, and sprinkled with brown sugar and cinnamon. 

Have you heard of the Cookie Monster? Well in my family, that Cookie Monster is my father! Whenever my grandmother or my mother bakes cookies, for me it is like an ongoing mission to protect the cookies from the monster. 
In the middle of the night when most people are asleep, my father is out hunting for those cookies. It is my job to keep the cookies safe and hidden. 

Have you ever put out a jar of cookies and noticed
later that some of them have gone missing? Well, I suspect there might be a Secret Cookie Society and they gather all the delicious cookies they can find. Their number one rule is that cookies taste best eaten fresh. Take it from the pros. And now you ask me, how do I know? ;-) That is a secret. The strenuous responsibility for ensuring the safety of my cookies makes those cookies all the more memorable and special.

Freshly baked cookies are magical because they sooth the soul, warm the heart, and of course, fill the belly!