Monday 23 April 2012

#2: Contagious Laughter

I just love it when one person starts laughing and everyone joins in. Today, for example, someone had put a very funny picture on the blackboard and I just laughed with all of my heart. The room went silent. Everyone stared at me and where I was looking at. Then they started to laugh along with me. Before I knew it, almost everyone in the room was laughing.

I love to listen to laughs. Just the way everyone has a different giggle, snort, and chuckle makes me want to laugh. I have heard some very interesting laughs... from the evil cackling (mwa ha ha ha ha) to the polite giggle (hehe). 

According to, humour and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. I agree that laughter is one of the best medicines unless you laugh so hard your tummy hurts. 

I remember my mother once told me an old Russian story. It is called ‘The Girl and the Elephant’. It is about a  little girl who lived with her father. One day the girl became very sick and was always in bed. Her loving father couldn't afford doctors or expensive medicines. The father spent  almost all his money to have an elephant come to their home to visit his daughter. This made the little girl laugh and smile with joy. Then a miracle occurred; the girl got better and better and eventually healed.

Now I am not saying that if someone you know is sick you should ride an elephant into their room, but what I am saying is that laughter is magical, especially when it spreads from one person to another. 

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