Tuesday 24 April 2012

#3: Just Did It

Have you ever forced yourself to go to the gym but complain and make excuses all the way there because it is such a nice day and you want to spend time with your family? Or have you ever forced yourself to write that report even though you'd rather be playing with your friends? I know we've all been there. We complain and complain but in the end, after we go to the gym or write that report we are proud of ourselves and we are glad we went after all.

You have probably heard of Nike's famous "just do it" slogan. I think for special moments like these, you should receive a badge or something to show off that says "just did it".

Today I had to rewrite my speech. Make it re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-writing. After about eight drafts, I started to get annoyed and I really didn't want to do it anymore. Believe me, I had no shortage of excuses to stop revising. But I forced myself to keep on going and after another hour of writing... I finished my speech! I ended up with a version that I actually liked. No more drafts!!! Now, I am very proud of myself and happy that I "just did it".

Just did it moments are magical because they can turn negative thoughts, complaints and excuses into smiles and feelings of victory!

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