Saturday 21 April 2012

A First Post

Everything and everybody has a first. I remember the first time I lost a tooth. I can see myself smiling at the mirror and admiring my big gap in between the two top teeth in the middle.I can also remember things such as when I first tried broccoli and when my family got our first cat. First moments feel like bubbles of excitement.
It is a great feeling to do something for the first time. Today I am starting the blog. What a great feeling! The bubbles are about to lift me up and away...

My goal is to make you, the readers, laugh, smile, and enjoy. I certainly hope that is a first that I will succeed at! 

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe that everything we get troubled about in life matters.
    All the time invested in taking into consideration the
    various things that we deal with each and every moment is normally undoubtedly necessary, as no other man will
    probably confront life for us. I feel that men and women must be more mentally stable.

    Knowledge is amazing, nevertheless so much of everything you
    think about is so abstract. Having a cup of tea
    is a zen activity that takes one back to the present occasion. We have to become more in the here and
    now, without being overcome by our lifestyle and the crises we confront each day.
