Wednesday 25 April 2012

#4: Cuddling With an Animal Friend

Whenever I am sick or sad, I seek a furry friend. They seem to sense your feelings, calm you down, and warm your heart. I think that pets comfort us. I have two cats. Whenever I am not feeling well or just want to cry, my cats huddle around me and take away my pain. I have friends who have dogs. The dogs always seem to be smiling and the positive energy passes on. I know a few people who have rabbits. They let you pour out your emotions and listen with their extra large ears. I even have a couple of friends who own birds and fishes and my friends think of them as companions.
Too Tired to Read
Today, when I was very tired, I plopped down onto the couch and my whole body was sore. One of my cats came along, thought that I was a pillow, and fell asleep next to me. Their purring was in synch with the beating of my heart and their warmth connected with my body and I felt relaxed and comfortable.

We all have those moments when we just need to calm down and it is magical when we do so with an animal friend!
Lunch Time

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