Tuesday 15 May 2012

#12: Excitement

Have  you ever been waiting and waiting for that special night and finally it is the day right before? Or the next day is your birthday and you know an amazing surprise awaits you? I love this feeling of anticipation.

Whenever my family and I go on vacation, I can never sleep the night before. I wriggle and jiggle like a worm and I cannot sleep because I am so excited. Now I am not saying that not being able to sleep is a GOOD and MAGICAL thing, because it isn't, but I AM saying that anticipation as in excitement is magical.

I have a friend who turns all red when she is excited. I know someone else who suddenly needs to jump around and shake out their energy when they get excited. I think we all have those excitement moments. Today, for example, I am super excited for a project my friends and I are getting together to work on tomorrow. I can't wait!

Excitement is magical because it gives you energy and something to look forward to!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that your "project with friends day" will meet your expectations.
