Monday 30 April 2012

#6: Team Successes

I really enjoy those moments when something works out or you do a great job and you have a team hug or your team celebrates. I enjoy sharing the positivity with my team and I love team successes.

Today, my mother and I baked a cake. It was a simple chocolate cake but we put a lot of effort into it! my mother made the cake from scratch and I decorated it. When it came out of the oven and when I put the final strands of chocolate icing on it, our mouths were watering and we were so proud of ourselves. The best part was digging into it...

I remember, many years ago, when I was in the first grade and we had Sundae Competitions. At the beginning of every month we were put into groups. The teachers would monitor our groups and whenever a group did something good, like put their snacks away first or stood in line without talking, we would get a point. Teachers could also take away points for bad behavior. At the end of the month, the group with the most points was treated to sundaes! We could take as much ice cream as we wanted, pile it with rainbow sprinkles and squishy marshmallows and cover it with a river of caramel and chocolate sauce. Yes, we all were hyper after those sundaes. I think those Sundae Competitions were great because we got to work with different groups every month and we would always work together to win a delicious treat and then savor the success as a group!

Last year I was a big fan of Donald Trump's "The Apprentice" TV show. Now, I clearly remember the triumphant group's hugs, smiles, and laughter after they won the task. 
Seeing their success makes me want to smile and share their fun as well. Team successes are magical because positive energy and thoughts certainly are contagious and you can share your joy and enthusiasm with others!

1 comment:

  1. If you were choosing team members for a your team in your organization, who would the best team players be?
